Home Results Results 2012-2013 Weekend Results

Weekend Results



NWCA National Duals (concludes Sunday)

Budd Whitehill Duals

Virginia Duals

Will Abele Invitational at Ursinus

Spartan Mat Classic at Manchester

Central Invitational

Flash Flanagan Open at Loras

Concordia University Wisconsin Duals

Simon Fraser 27, Pacific 22
SFSU 31, Pacific 6
Bridgewater State 27, Plymouth State 20
Alma 34, GVSU 7

Loras 27, Central 14

Franklin & Marshall 43, Gettysburg 8
Wilkes 32, East Stroudsburg 9
Dakota Wesleyan 33, Buena Vista 18
WPI 30, Rhode Island 18



  1. Team Ranking #1
    January 15, 2013
    Ranking Team Dual Record Last Ranking

    1. Wartburg College (IA) (6 – 0) 1
    2. Elmhurst College (IL) (5 – 0) 3
    3. Centenary College (NJ) (4 – 1) 5
    4. Cortland State (NY) (9 – 0) 4
    5. University of Wisconsin – La Crosse (9 – 1) 6
    6. University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point (7 – 1) 13
    7. Wilkes University (PA) (8 – 3) 24
    8. Delaware Valley College (PA) (4 – 0) 30
    9. Wesleyan University (CT) (6 – 5) 29
    10. Ithaca College (NY) (4 – 1) 9
    11. Coe College (IA) (6 – 2) 8
    12 Olivet College (MI) (4 – 4) 7
    13. Central College (IA) (7 – 1) 14
    14. University of Wisconsin – Whitewater (5 – 0) 11
    15. Ohio Northern University (6 – 1) 19
    16. New York University (7 – 1) 28
    17. York College (PA) (10 – 4) 21
    18. The College of New Jersey (3 – 3) 20
    19. Messiah College (PA) (6 – 3) 22
    20. Roger Williams University (RI) (4 – 1) 25
    21. Johnson & Wales
    22.Augsburg College (MN) (2 – 0) 2
    23. Springfield College (MA) (0 – 0) 26
    24. University of Mount Union (OH) (3 – 2) 23
    25. Saint John’s University (MN) (3 – 4) 27
    26. Luther College (IA) (5 – 3) 15
    27. Augustana College (IL) (10 – 3) 17
    28. Cornell College (IA) (5 – 2) 18
    29. Wabash College (IN) (3 – 1) 10
    30. Concordia College – Moorhead (MN) (3 – 4) 12

  2. The rankings I posted are my take and personal opinion. I researched every school vs opponent. I did have trouble with NYU as they lost to York but beat Wikes….so finding the right spot was difficult.

  3. if del val in ur opinion is ranked 8th, then why if they only beat ursinus in a dual last week 16-15, how does ursinus not even crack ur top 30??? they have also finished ahead of nyu in 2 tournies this yr that nyu was in as well.. also on that note i might add they also finished above tcnj 2 times in both of the tournies??? just something 2 consider..

  4. My analysis was based on dual meets. School vs School. I did not take into consideration tournaments because each tournament allows X amount of wrestlers and that provides an advantage to schools with more entries. Messiah Lost to Wilkes, York, Del Valley and Steven Points. Now obviously teams improve as guys move in an out of line ups. I put my own rankings together to see how I stacke up against the committee. Thus, a committee of One! me….What do you think?

  5. Here are my rankings after visiting the NWCA Duals in Illinois this weekend. The real ranking committee is going to have there hands full after this weekends wrestling. Everything after the top 5 will be a headache!

    1. Wartburg
    2. Elmhurst
    3. Centenary
    4. Cortland
    5. UW –Lacrosse
    6. UW – Stevens Point
    7. Central College
    8. Messiah
    9. Wilkes
    10. York College
    11. Delaware Valley
    12. Wesleyan University
    13. Augsburg
    14. Ithaca College
    15. Coe College
    16. UW – Whitewater
    17. NYU
    18. Concordia College
    19. Augustana
    20. Cornell College
    21. JWU
    22. Olivet
    23. Wabash
    24. Ohio Northern
    25. Springfield
    26. TCNJ
    27. Luther
    28. Dubuque
    29. Mount Union
    30. Roger Williams

  6. As far as Ursinius goes they did lose a close match to Del Valley at the North South Duals. I did take this into consideration. My opinion came down to how they did against other top ranked Colleges and I was unable to get a good read on them. Ursinius does have a good team but in all fairness I think they have to wrestle more top 30 schools.

    What do you think?

  7. No disrespect to Ursinus, but i checked the Del Valley vs Ursinus dual meet and Del Valley had 5 of there starters sitting. Also, you cannot base up on teams finish based upon individual tournaments. For example as I witnessed at the NWCA Duals this weekend. Olivet and Augsburg have lineups with top 10 wrestlers / contenders / HM wrestlers which in a tournament they would place very high in teams. Wesleyan and JWU have a combined ZERIO wrestlers in the top 10 and JWU pulled off a win against Augsburg and Wes pulled of the win against Olivet. In tournaments, I’m sure these 2 teams would place behind Olivet and Augsburg simply because of the super studs these teams have would have several place finishers 1 and 2

  8. no disrespect was taken i can assure you, however if ur going to comment about the so called 5 starting wrestlers they had sitting as u say, then u wouldnt mind me asking a follow up to that i hope… plz name the 5 starters they had that were sitting.. i believe ur info u may find is incorrect.. 🙂

  9. also i would add to the above comment i just made, im quite sure that ursinus had 2 kids out of there lineup as well that are starters..

  10. Ken, please look at the line up Del Valley had against Wesleyan in which they won by 1 point. Maybe they didn’t have FIVE starters not wrestling but they at least had 3. I’m not sure who the DV starters are but there were 2 seperate line ups DV used at the Ursinus duals against Wes and Ursinus, and I’m sure they didn’t sit the majority of there better wrestlers against Wes. And the ranking committee must also believe Ursinus is not a top 30 team as well although they only lost by 1 point. I checked out Ursinus’ schedule, never heard of some of the teams they beat, for example who are the A & B Allstars?

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