Home NCAA Tournament Twitter updates throughout the tournament

Twitter updates throughout the tournament


d3wrestle.com will be doing its best to provide updates throughout the tournament as it happens.  We’ll try to give more than just results, as the brackets can give you that, and we want to give a sense of what is actually happening here at the US Cellular Center in Cedar Rapids.  Stay up to date either by going to http://twitter.com/d3wrestle or keeping an eye on the right hand sidebar.  That box will always show the last ten updates as well as when they were each made.


  1. Considering the fact that Andy is coaching at the nationals, I think he’s doing the best he can. Take it easy.

  2. I understand that he is coaching. But don’t make promises of updated results if your not even going to make an effort.

    When this website first came out, I thought it was going to be a great thing for D3 wrestling. And it was. But this season things have really gone downhill around here.

  3. And to be fair to D3wrestle.com, Coe should be doing a better job of getting the brackets on the tournament page updated.

  4. No, there is no better site for d3 wrestling. I’m just saying that there is definitely room for improvement.

    If you actually read my post I said that I thought this site was great for d3 wrestling, but I feel like it has slipped in the past year.

  5. No, there is no better site for d3 wrestling. I’m just saying that there is definitely room for improvement.

    If you actually read my post I said that I thought this site was great for d3 wrestling, but I feel like it has slipped in the past year.

  6. D3 Fan,

    This web site is a labor of love for AV. As far as going down hill I don’t get you. The web site has faithfully posted results, rankings, wrestler of the week, conference previews, and national weight class analysis. This web site is a great resource with links to all the college team sites, contacts for coaches, and opportunity for forum discussions. It is a service to the wrestling community.

  7. Geeseman vs Corsello. Who won? I can’t believe we have no results on the semi’s 3 hours after it started. Host must suck

  8. 125 Oster vs Ecker, McInally vs Rust
    133 Northern Vs Kelly, Bartlett vs Ball
    141 Bautista vs Batsukh, Paulish vs McKray
    149 Holst vs Mauseth, Leblanc vs Naig
    157 Wernimont vs Miller, Adams vs Brew
    165 Hanson vs Terrell, Youel vs Hoover
    174 Brown vs Kehrli, Molitor vs Mantella
    184 Wilcox vs Zabel, Moenkedick vs Engelland or Adams
    197 Malo vs Holforty or Moore, Voeck vs Kramer or MAssey
    285 Corsello vs Bilquist or Witzel, not sure on others

  9. 125 Oster vs Ecker, McInally vs Rust
    133 Northern Vs Kelly, Bartlett vs Ball
    141 Bautista vs Batsukh, Paulish vs McKray
    149 Holst vs Mauseth, Leblanc vs Naig
    157 Wernimont vs Miller, Adams vs Brew
    165 Hanson vs Terrell, Youel vs Hoover
    174 Brown vs Kehrli, Molitor vs Mantella
    184 Wilcox vs Zabel, Moenkedick vs Engelland or Adams
    197 Malo vs Moore, Voeck vs Massey
    285 Corsello vs Bilquist, not sure on others

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