Home Miscellaneous International Spots Still Available

Spots Still Available


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There is still time left to join the Division III Cultural Exchange trip to Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey this summer. The cost of the trip is $2988 and it will cover the roundtrip flight overseas and all costs of travel, lodging, meals, sightseeing, training, and competition. There is usually four-five different competitions in different cities as well as many chances to train and learn with World Silver Medalist Georgi Kalchev. The head coach of the trip is Nate Hansen of Simpson College and his assistant will be Zach Mizer of Buena Vista College. Last year we took a group of 19 from Division III and would like to take 20 this year.

You can view videos of the 2013 trip at


If you would like to learn more about this opportunity, please call Tim Fader at 262-472-1867 or email at fadert@uww.edu