1. Mid West deserves more bids!

    Right now, I’m looking at a 2nd alternate from this tournament who beat the OW from another head to head. Not only is the OW from that tournament going to nationals, but the kid he beat in the finals got a wild card bid. I really have no complaints with the way the coaches at the Mid West Regional voted, but I’m seeing weaker wrestlers get in through both automatic (nothing can be done) and wild card (can be changed). Apparently the 18th best kid in the Mid West is tougher then the best kid in the Empire. Perhaps wild cards should be picked by a committee several days after all of the region/conference tournaments are completed to ensure that the best kids go to Iowa.

  2. Midwest can earn more qualifiers by getting it done at nationals…however I don’t think that your arguement is completely accurate.
    1. One win isn’t indicative of a whole body of work. Marlow beat Erdman during the season; a returning All American. Furthermore Marlow beat Bentley from Etown during the season and Crown lost to Bentley; what’s more Crown lost to Cecchetti during the season but came back and beat him later on. All that to say that one win doesn’t amount to Crown is far and away better than Marlow.

    2. The 18th kid in the MW is not better than the best kid in the Empire. First of all Marlow was awesome at the Empire conference…he took it to a former AA in Gregory and the way he was wrestling I’d have believed he could beat most kids that day. Marlow is not however the best kid in the Empire…he had the best tournament.

    3. Most NQ tournaments are leaving good kids home. The Empire’s 1st alternate (Pariso-184) beat the champ from the Midwest at the same tournament that Crown defeated Marlow. Sbriscia at 197 (3rd Alternate) defeated the likely METRO champ during the year, Goetz HWY (didn’t get an Alt) defeated NQ Brock Glotfelty from the Centenial during the year. DeHart-141 didn’t even place at the Empire but beat the NQ from the Ohio conf (Delpra) by a score of 14-0 during the year! What would really be nice is if DIII got back to 180 or 200 and each conf. got a few more.

  3. Everybody is always sweatin the small stuff. Wild cards? Just win nd you will wont have any problems… This is only D3 its really not that hard. Half of the conference champs arent really even good. All of the Atheletes know what they have to do to make nationals If they dont get the job done they dont deserve to go, stop trying to make it easier.

  4. Champ, you are either a D1-D2 Troll or the return of Rocky Mantella. D3 is really not that hard? Half the Conference Champs aren’t even good? You’ve got to be kidding me. Go back to InterMat.com. You are obviously too good for us D3 Fans!!! Myself and others would really like to tell it like it is to you,but I don’t want Andy to ban my comments from this site. Congratulations to all the D3 Wrestlers who won or got a Wild Card. Don’t let This clowns comments tarnish your hard work.

  5. Empire, we all know wrestling depends on the day. Delpra beat Malave to win the conference 5-3 and earlier in the year 8-4 while Dehart only beat him 2-1. That is the only common opponent I see. As you said there are always good wrestlers that are left at home. The #3 157 in the nation would have been left at home if not for a wild card berth, since the OAC only has one NQ per weight class.

  6. No disrespect meant to Delpra, and I’m not saying that DeHart is “better” than Delpra…if you read my post that was actually my point. Delpra has some quality wins throughout the year in addition to just flat out winning his conference…Malave had some good wins on the year too. BTW, I think some pretty good wrestlers like Jon Henry and Penny were left home from the OAC.

  7. blueoyster, well said. If Del Valley didn’t go out and recruit division 1 athletes with eligibility left I wouldn’t have this complaint in the first place. Anyone know what happened to Clendenin at Lehigh that he left? I found a 2006 Senior Freestyle Nationals result that he took 7th at, so apparently he went somewhere and kept wrestling. I feel like there’s an ugly story behind his departure at Lehigh. If anyone has any idea what happened, I’m sure I’m not the only one who is curious how you go from a match away from D1 AA to vanishing to wrestling D3

  8. First off, I don’t know if CHAMP is Rocky Mantella(although it does sound like something that clown would say), but don’t link his comment back to Delaware Valley. Second, if you don’t like us getting D1 transfers that beat your guys then go get some yourself! There are many D3 schools with D1 transfers on their team. Why did Terrance leave Lehigh? Simple, lost his spot at 125 and couldn’t get in at 133 either, which led to losing his scholarship. He was young and made the choice to leave school and years later regrets it and wanted to come back and finish. Anyways, please don’t link the comments of CHAMP back to Delaware Valley, I have no idea who it is. If it is Mantella, he is no longer a part of our program. Dave, I will go ahead and use your own comment here, if Crown would win we wouldn’t be having this conversation!!!

  9. Aggie-Well said. I go to a school and there is a good possibility that a Division 1 wrestler is leaving his school and coming to our division 3 school next year. I don’t think we are going to turn him down…

  10. Does anyone know why Elias Larson from Trine got DQ’ed in his match against Isaac Dukes? I know he punched another kid a couple times in a match at Wheaton. I didn’t know if the same thing happened or what.

  11. Pretty much the same thing. He was losing to Dukes and, from what I saw, was on top and throwing hard crossfaces and one was deemed a punch. Correct me if I am wrong but I believe this is what happend. Also, what is the rule if you are DQ’d because of punching in two consecutive events. He did it at Wheaton, sat out a match because of the DQ, then did it again in first match back. What is the rule?

  12. Aggies_Wrestling I wasn’t tying the Comment to Del Val and their program. I thought Champ’s remarks were very disrespectful towards’ ALL D3 Wrestlers. It was something Mantella would have said last year with all his trash talk and self promotion. It was a personal reference to the only poster on this site that talks in that manner. Like I stated,sounds like a Troll. I’m just sticking up for all our wrestlers including Del Val.

  13. Blue-
    No disrespect intended, and the poster was obnoxious, no doubt- but anyone who does not recognize the massive level of difference between D1 and D3 in American College wrestling is only fooling themselves.

    While it is true that in the past, when D3 National Champs qaulified for D1 Nationals, in extremely rare cases those wrestlers made all American, even won National Championships- in most cases average (.500 Wrestler) in D1 can defeat the better Wrestlers in his wieght in D3. In most cases, A D1 All American (8th) would simply crush D3 national champions.

    Simply put, you take your average D1 Wrestler and put him in D3, and he is going to compete at the national level. Any average D1 (.500) team would simply blow almost every D3 top10 team out of the water in a dual. The better teams in D1, no contest.

    … guys, it is a different level of competition. You really should just ignore any attempt to compare… like mine, for example.

    That said- D2/D3 champs should still qualify and go to D1 Nationals. It made for a “true champion”, and was good for the sport of wrestling.

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