Home NCAA Tournament Qualifier Championships Video

Qualifier Championships Video


Updated 3/10/09 – took these down for a little bit, but they’re back up now

All available video is now up

Midwest Regional Finals

Great Lakes Regional Finals

Metro Conference Finals

Centennial Conference Finals

Empire Conference Finals


  1. I hope somebody posts the Mantella-Vanderhyde match.Very interested in seeing that one.I know Rocky gets bashed here for his self promoting ways,but he has backed up his big mouth so far.I think he is #1 at 174 at this point.Owens hasn’t beaten the caliber wrestlers Mantella has with the exception of Vanderhyde.Will the grueling Nationals get to the supposedly beer gussling Mantella?As we all know it’s a new season at the NCAA Championships and 174 looks very tough.Especially considering some of the National caliber wrestlers that didn’t qualify.

  2. i saw the match and it was great.handfighting was rough and looked like d1. vanderhyde was most aggressive most the time and looked like he even frustated rocky. he did force a stall call on him but couldnt get much penetration. rocky look tired and took two shots int he whole match butmade them count including the one in ot. hopep they meet in iowa. it was one of the best d3 matches i saw all year. 174 with those 3 and kerli should be great. anyone can win.

  3. Thanks for the MidWest Regional report for 174lbs.midwest fan.Mantella looking tired and frustrated doesn’t surprise me.Vanderhyde has wrestled tough competition all year,I figured Rocky wouldn’t phase him with his bullying tactics.That will be a key factor at Cedar Rapids.Will Rocky get tired or frustrated and self implode?

  4. HAHAHAHHA Rocky is going win the whole thing. All this talk does is hype him up. He is more focused than ever, just keep dumping fuel on the fire……

  5. HAHAHAHHA Rocky is going win the whole thing. All this talk does is hype him up. He is more focused than ever, just keep dumping fuel on the fire……

    Left by Best in D3 on February 26th, 2009

    Rocky,look at the first post.I said I think your the top wrestler at 174.Whether I agree with the D3 eligibility rules,or whether I think you are an All American Role model are two different things.I do believe you should be the #1 seed.

  6. Rocky seems to get a little out of line with his mouth, but He should be the #1 seed out at nationals. Owens 2, Vanderhyde 3 , and Kehlri 4. I am predicting a Vanderhyde vs. Mantella Rematch. This should be a great championship.

    Rocky isn’t a bully on the mat though. After watching Rocky vs. Vanderhyde, I came to the assumption both wrestlers are similar. Vanderhyde was more aggressive, but both wrestlers are very methodical…and as stated above…Rocky made his shots count.

  7. I agree with your Top 4 seeds billy.I don’t think Mantella and Vanderhyde should be a semi final match.Just look at both their College Scorebook stats,very impressive.

  8. Owens will be the 1 seed. He has been ranked there most of the year in both rankings. Since nobody has beaten him, you can’t expect the committee to just bump him down. I realize Mantella is also undefeated but Owen’s stats are more impressive. If Mantella and Vanderhyde want to wrestle again, it will have to be in the finals.

  9. I agree the committee won’t bump Owens down,but disagree that his stats are more impressive.Mantella has wrestled half a season against overall higher caliber opponents with more dominating results,except the Jenkins match(which he dominated but got caught in the 3rd period).Don’t get me wrong,I think Owens has had a great season.I just wish there had been a Mantella-Owens match during the regular season.With Owens the #1 seed a Mantella-Vanderhyde match up would be a semi final match barring any upsets.

  10. the committee won’t be “bumping anyone down” from the rankings. they are isntructed again and again not to use rankings at all in determining seeds. when they see the season record forms they only make decisions based on head to head, common opponents and quality wins. they are allowed to also consider prior AA finishes, but never the rankings. the ncaa is very clear on this

  11. We all know how it works but you can’t tell me rankings never come to mind when seeding. I’ve been at too many meetings where it is mentioned just the same. Notwithstanding, if the rankngs are done right(in this case they are) you will see a perfect correlation anyway. Unless there is any bias desision making, which on this level I highly doubt, everything will coincide.

  12. Rocky,
    Owens is the fastest and most athletic upperweight wrestler I have ever seen! To beat him your going to have to show some serious skill…Good luck!

  13. No one is talking about the hosing Vanderhyde got in Vegas against Owens. Yea they both wrestled well but Vanderhyde had that reversal that they argued about for 10 minutes at the end. It should have gone overtime and with the momentum he had I think he wins.

  14. Hey everyone, lets get AV to start a topic where we can talk specifically about the “who’s who’s” and the who did whats, the underdogs, people to watch out for, etc. I think it will get many hits……Back me up D3 fans!

  15. I reviewed the tapes on that match…the ref made the right call. Stop living in a fantasy. And be in bed by 9pm.

  16. and i’ve had a hard time logging in. sometimes it won’t let me log in. does anyone else have that same issue or is it just me?

  17. Rocky,
    Owens is the fastest and most athletic upperweight wrestler I have ever seen! To beat him your going to have to show some serious skill…Good luck!

    Left by flenzo on February 26th, 2009

    Owens didn’t look so fast against Osgoodby in the consolation match for 7th and 8th place last year.If he did get faster,he must have done a lot of off season work.

  18. I reviewed the tapes on that match…the ref made the right call. Stop living in a fantasy. And be in bed by 9pm.

    Left by Don Murray on February 26th, 2009

    Very funny!!!

  19. Currently waiting on tapes from Great Lakes and Midwest to arrive, and then that’s it. IIAC and WIAC have copyright issues, and NEWA and OAC are unavailable.

  20. IIAC and WIAC have copyright issues, and NEWA and OAC are unavailable……


    This is Lovely! These guys get to view a huge chunk of the competition while staying under the radar.

  21. Flenzo,

    You are the most negative person on this. You constantly have something to b**** about and complain about.

  22. The IIAC finals were televised…That’s why there is a copyright issue there. THAT’S how we stay under the radar…

  23. Plus the IIAC Tourney was webcast. Luther had a Quicktime video link stream, and Wartburg carried audio coverage.

  24. our high school regional web site doesn’t post videos until after the states are completed. I suggest you take down the video until after nationals.

  25. our high school regional web site doesn’t post videos until after the states are completed. I suggest you take down the video until after nationals.

    Left by twolbs on February 28th, 2009

    I disagree.A lot of these match ups have already occurred in the bigger Tournaments this year.IIAC showed theirs live.You may know a wrestlers key moves,stopping them is a different story.Baldwin Wallace had one of their matches run at least 3 times on Sports Time Ohio and they have an OAC Champ.Big Ten Net work will show a big match that has National bearings over and over.

  26. IIAC, Kohawk and Testy taster,

    You guys are all tools! First of all, the means of which they were broadcast weren’t nearly as easy to find as say websites like d3 or Flo, especially for conferences such as the Empire, Metro and Centtennial! Secondly,My scarcasm wasn’t suggesting they were witholding them intentionally! I don’t consider myself to be negative at all! I’m just a firm believer in things being entirely fair for every athelete! I’m sick of the “entitlement conferences” thinking the world owes them something and that they are so much better than the rest! I like to utilize this site to get people aware of the fact a lot of things need to change for the better in this division! Oh and don’t bother with your usual half-ast shelf responses of how you deserve this and that and everyone else should get better! Mid-west wrestling is just plain over-rated! By the way, Testy, maybe you should know the nuts before you open your mouth!

  27. The guy does have some points. I’m an empire coach and I’m confident our conference will AA at least 60% with only 15 attending! Good luck everyone and see ya there!

  28. Here are a few facts for you. The IIAC got 32 qualifiers in 2008. Of those 32, there were 25 All Americans, which translates into 78%. Of those 25 qualifiers, 9 were in the Championship matches representing 9 of the 10 weight classes. Let me get this straight. You want the IIAC and the other “midwest” qualifiers to leave some of our wrestlers home, let the other regionals take more, which would be lower placing wrestlers at their respective regionals, when you can’t AA a good majority of the ones you do send?? Look at these numbers.

    Centennial 3/11 (27%)
    Empire 5/18 (28%)
    Metro 5/17 (29%)
    NEWA 5/14 (36%)
    Ohio 3/11 (27%)

    Now look at these numbers.

    Iowa 25/32 (78%)
    Great Lakes 15/23 (65%)
    Wisconsin 11/19 (58%)
    Midwest 8/15 (53%)
    The midwest is now supposed to leave kids home? The above are facts so please explain your position, preferably with facts. The percentages speak for themselves. Leave some of our wrestlers home so you can bring lower placers out of your qualifiers?? Right!!

  29. Here’s some more facts for you. In the past 4 years (2005-2008) the IIAC alone has had 83 All-Americans which includes 15 National Champions. That is roughly 26% (83/320) of all of the All-Americans in the past 4 years, and 38% (15/40) of the National Champions. This is just one conference in the Midwest. I challenge you to find another conference (out of the Midwest)that can even rival those statistics.

  30. We will find out in 5 days who the top dogs are in Division 3 wrestling. I’m sure the IIAC won’t disappoint.

  31. Easier solution is to allow more qualifiers. Iowa qualifer does produce more AA. You cant argue that fact. They deserve the amount of qualifiers they get….i just think more kids should have the opportunity to go to nationals. I cant see the problem in this. The biggest weight classes are 16 wrestlers in d3 depending on wild cards compared to d1 32. WHats holding d3 back???

  32. mandingo

    Look at the percentages that kohawk put up. You can keep saying that the more names you put in the better chances you have of winning, but the percentages speak for themselves. For instance Wisconsin conference (midwest) was 11/19 last year, while the Empire and Metro Conferences were 5/18 and 5/17. Looks like to me those seem to be relatively similar amounts of qualifiers with an extreme difference in AA’s. And the Wisconsin Conference is the 3rd best in the Midwest. The facts speak for themselves.

  33. Man…

    No one can say that Division III wrestling fans aren’t passionate. Honestly, we might have the most intense fans in college wrestling. There’s so much pride involved.

  34. Owens won’t make the finals..Mantella will win the whole thing..but Mantella would like nothing more than to see Jerome in the finals!

  35. Speaking of video,is Wartburg or someone web casting the Finals?I’ve got several HS wrestlers,coaches etc.that live too far from Iowa asking me.

  36. NCAA owns the copyright to the national championships. Last year, they webcasted the semis and finals. I have not heard about this year.

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