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PinCancer takes up the fight



“The World’s Toughest Sport is taking on the World’s Toughest Opponent.”

According to the American Cancer Society, in the year 2014 there will be over 1.5 Million new diagnosis of Cancer in the United States. Cancer affects each and every one of us on a daily basis, directly and indirectly. Being the toughest athletes in the United States, we need to take action to fight Cancer the best way we know how, to #WrestleForACure! In 2011, Dan Tramontozzi founded a non-profit organization called PinCancer. The goal is simple, to raise money for Cancer Research all around the United States by doing what we do best, wrestling!

There are many ways wrestlers, parents, fans and businesses can get involved with PinCancer and become a member of the PinCancer team. The most popular way you can get involved is through our pledge program. The way our pledge program works is a wrestler gathers sponsors for his or her season. Each sponsor pledges a certain dollar amount for each win, pin, and or takedown the athlete records in that season or amount of time, which was pledged to. Those donations are then sent to PinCancer and we donate the amount to Cancer Research foundations around the United States.

We hope that you become a member of Team PinCancer!

For more information regarding PinCancer I encourage you to visit www.pincancer.org or E-Mail me directly at Vinny@PinCancer.Org