1. Why would Siciliano from DelVal take a forfeit at 197 and then the backup would wrestle an exhibition match against the very same team?

  2. HAHA …Mantella is wrestling again…haha Totten will do anything to win a championship!!! A coach with no morals…wasn’t long ago when he punched out your assistant…good job Del Val….any kid who cant cut it at another school can sure find a home with you.

  3. The so called “back up” beat Siciliano at esu and he has a better record. You think Siciliano is the starter because he started in two duels?

  4. Wrestlehard, it does seem a little fishy that these “bad seeds”, or 25 year-old sophomores always end up at DelVal. I wonder how many actually graduate from there?

  5. Thats so true, Del Val does have a lot of deliquents on their team..Laforge and Mantella are on the top of the lists. I dont think they have any requirements at that school to get in which is why they all go there. Isnt this the 2nd time at Del Val for Mantella????

  6. Rocky Mantella is hands down the best wrestler in Division 3 this year at any weight class…he also had a 3.2 gpa this semester…and DVC is going to win it all!!!! Haters get in line because it’s going to be a long season for you!!!!

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