Home NCAA Tournament Fantasy Wrestling Game

Fantasy Wrestling Game


Update: Entries are now closed, and any entry left after last night’s 8pm deadline has been deleted

Here is a picks game for the 2009 NCAA Division III Wrestling Championships.  This year, first prize is a d3wrestle.com t-shirt (choice of Ringer, Value, or V-Neck).  In order to win the prize, the email address you enter with your picks must be real, as that is how you will be contacted should you win.


1.  You get 5000 points and one entry per person.  Each wrestler is worth a certain number of points based on his ranking as shown in the document below.  You cannot go over 5000 when making your team but under is fine.  If you don’t spend points, you lose them.  You cannot add them back into your total score.

2.  You do not have to pick a wrestler from every weight if you do not want to.  You may may only choose a maximum of one wrestler per weight.

3.  You score points only when your wrestler places in the National tournament.  The point value you score corresponds with the price of each ranking.  ie.  #1 ranked wrestler costs 1000 pts.  1st place earns 1000 pts.; #2 rank costs 900 pts, 2nd place earns 900 points, all the way down to 8th place and 300 points.

4.  Team with the most points wins.

5. Tiebreaking criteria:
a. Most total NCAA champions on your team
b. Most total All-Americans
c. Team with most wrestlers to win at least one match
d. Tiebreaker to be determined later (if necessary)

Enter your team in the comments section of this post by 8pm Eastern on March 4th, 2009.  This is just to track your entries.  When you enter your team, please list all wrestlers in the following format: name, school, weight, points (e.g., Wonderlin, Dubuque, 197, 500) and then total your points.  It is your responsibility to compute your own score and leave that score in the comment section of a future post after the NCAA tournament.  If you would like to discuss the game, please do so in the forum, as I will ruthlessly delete all comments on this post not comprised solely of team entries.

At the conclusion of the NCAA tournament, d3wrestle.com will examine the highest scoring entry to be sure that the score is in fact correct and the team used matches the initial entry.  Then, the winner will be contacted at the email address given in order to set up delivery of the prize.

d3wrestle.com 2009 Fantasy Wrestling Game Point Sheet


  1. Wernimont Augsburg 157 1000

    Bonander Luther 197 1000

    Djoumessi Wartburg 184 900

    Naig Wartburg 149 900

    Flodeen Augsburg 125 700

    Renaut KP 165 200

    Martini RIC 157 100

    Sutherland RIC 149 100

    Paulish Williams 141 50

    Pyle Luther 149 50

  2. Name School Weight Points

    Rush Coe 125 900
    Ball Coe 133 900
    DeCleene UWSP 141 600
    Pyle Luther 149 50
    Wernimont Wartburg 157 1000
    Burkle Coe 165 600
    Grothus Coe 174 50
    Rehn Coe 184 50
    Kramer Coe 197 400
    Sander Coe 285 400

    TOTAL POINTS = 4950

  3. Mike McInally, RIT, 125lbs, 300
    Nick Cucciniello, JWU, 133lbs, 300
    Luke Baum, RIT, 141lbs, 800
    Frank Cammisa, BSC, 149lbs, 100
    Dan DiColo, TCNJ, 157lbs, 100
    Mike Morin, Southern Maine, 165lbs, 900
    Rocky Mantella, Del Val, 174lbs, 900
    Bryan Lenhardt, JWU, 184lbs, 400
    Ryan Malo, Williams, 197lbs, 600
    Glenn “Grim Reaper” Geesman, MIT, HWT, 600

    Total Points Used: 5,000

  4. Rush Coe 125 900
    Ball Coe 133 900
    Valek Aug 141 500
    Fava DV 149 100
    Wernimont Wartburg 157 1000
    Burkle Coe 165 600
    Grothus Coe 174 50
    Rehn Coe 184 50
    Kramer Coe 197 400
    Sander Coe 285 400

    TOTAL POINTS = 4900

  5. Kist Wart 125 500
    Ball Coe 133 900
    Valek Aug 141 500
    Pyle Luth 149 50
    Weirnemont Wart 157 1000
    Burkle Coe 165 500
    Militor Aug 174 400
    Barclay Luth 184 50
    Bonander Luth 197 1000
    Plattner Luth 285 50

  6. 125 Bloom Wes 200
    133 Lang Aug 1000
    141 Paulish Wil 50
    149 Sutherland RIC 100
    157 Martini RIC 100
    165 Morin USM 900
    174 Owens JWU 1000
    184 Lenhardt JWU 400
    197 Malo Wil 600
    285 Geesman MIT 600

    Total Points = 4950

  7. 125: McInally, 300 (RIT)
    133: Kelly, 600 (Wart)
    141: Paxos, 200 (Ith)
    149: Woszczak, 400 (Ith)
    157: Gin, 100 (Mess)
    165: Dahlheimer, 300 (Lyc)
    174: Vanderhyde, 800 (Oliv)
    184: Djoumessi, 900 (Wart)
    197: Massey, 800 (Aug)
    285: Geesman, 600 (MIT)

    Total Points: 5000/5000

  8. 125- McKinney (LaX) 100
    133- Kern (UWSP) 200
    141- Bautista (UWW) 1000
    149- Mauseth (LaX) 700
    157- Milks (UWP) 500
    165- Ferguson (LaX) 100
    174- Schmitz (LaX) 100
    184- Zabel (LaX) 600
    197- Moore (LaX) 200
    285- Laurent (LaX) 900

    Total: 4500 pts.

  9. 125- flodeen 700
    133- greene 200
    141- mckray 900
    149- kein 200
    157- wenimont 1000
    165- renaut 200
    174- reilly 300
    184- horn 50
    197- massey 800
    285- witzel 500

    points used 4850

  10. 125 – Rush (Coe)900
    133 – Ball (Coe)900
    141 – Donahue (Corn)100
    149 – Branham (TCNJ)200
    157 – Baason (StJ)200
    165 – Bonataitis (TCNJ)400
    174 – Kehrli (Corn)600
    184 – Youel (NC)700
    197 – Kramer (Coe)400
    285 – Geesman (MIT)600

    Total: 5,000 points

  11. 125 – Sheetz (DV)800
    133 – Nothern (Corn) 400
    141 – Paxos (Ith) 200
    149 – LeBlanc (Cort) 800
    157 – Wernimont (Wart) 1000
    165 – Renaut (KP) 200
    174 – Vanderhyde (Oliv) 800
    184 – Horn (Muhl) 50
    197 – Semple (Way) 100
    285 – Geesman (MIT)600

    4950 Total

  12. Erdman, Elizabethtown, 125, 600
    Kelly, Wartburg, 133, 600
    Decleene, UW Steven’s Point, 141, 600
    Pyle, Luther, 149, 50
    Goldstein, Gettysburg, 157, 700
    Hoover, Maranatha Baptist, 165, 800
    Grothus, Coe, 174, 50
    Youel, North Central, 184, 700
    Kramer, Coe, 197, 400
    Witzel, Augsburg, 285, 500

    Total: 5,000 points

  13. 125 – Mcinally, 300 RIT
    133-Cucciniello, 300 J & W
    141- Paxos, 200, Ith
    149- Holst, 1000, Aug
    157- Wernimont, 1000, Wart
    165- Bonitatis, 400, TCNJ
    174- Vanderhyde, 800 Oliv
    184- Baxter, 300, St J
    197 scher, 50, Hunter
    285- Geeseman, 600 MIT

  14. Floodeen Aug 125 (700)
    Nothern Corn 133 (400)
    Valek Aug 141 (500)
    Twito KP 149 (300)
    Quist Luther 157 (400)
    Terrell Dub 165 (700)
    Brown Dub 174 (500)
    Baxter StJ 184 (300)
    Wonderlin Dub 197 (500)
    Geeseman MIT 285 (600)

    4900 Total

  15. 125- Sheetz 800
    133- Lang 1000
    141- Fechko 100
    149- Naig 900
    159- Brew 900
    165-Ferguson 100
    174- Brown 500
    184- Adams 200
    197- Shandri 300
    285- Carothers 200


  16. Moose man

    125 McInally (RIT) 300
    133 Cucciniello (JW) 300
    141 Paulish (Will) 50
    149 Naig (Wart) 900
    157 Wernimont (Wart) 1000
    165 Renaut (KP) 200
    174 Kehrli (Corn) 600
    184 Baxter (StJ) 300
    197 Massey (Aug) 800
    Hwt Witzel (Aug) 500

    Total: 5000

  17. 125 Flodeen (aug)700
    133 Baatar (STJ) 800
    141 Batsukh (STJ) 700
    149 Pyle (luth) 50
    157 Wernimont (Wart) 1000
    165 Terrel (Dub) 700
    174 Schmitz (Lax) 100
    184 Boltz (Wheat) 100
    197 Massey (Aug)800
    HWT Plattner (Luth)50
    Total 5000

  18. Flodeen Augsburg 125 700
    Greene KP 133 200
    Valek Augsburg 141 500
    Pyle Luther 149 50
    Wernimont Wartburg 157 1000
    Ponce Augsburg 165 50
    Vanderhyde Olivet 174 800
    Moenkedick Concordia 184 800
    Massey Augsburg 197 800
    Plattner Luther 285 50
    Total Points 4950

  19. 125 Oster 1000
    133 Kern 200
    141 Fechko 100
    149 LaBalnc 800
    157 Flock 100
    165 Youel 500
    174 Vanderhyde 800
    184 Baxter 300
    197 Bonander 1000
    285 Sutter 200
    Total 5000

  20. Flodeen, (Aug), 125, 700
    Kelly (Wart), 133, 600
    Batsukh(St. Johns), 141, 700
    Sutherland (RIC), 149, 100
    Martini (RIC), 157, 100
    Burkle (Coe), 165, 600
    Vanderhyde (Oliv), 174, 800
    Adams (JC), 184, 200
    Malo, (Will), 197, 600
    Geesemen, (MIT), 285, 600

  21. Flodeen (AUG), 125, 700
    Lawler (Heid), 133, 100
    Fechko (Heid), 141, 100
    Holst (AUG), 149, 1,000
    Mizer (Heid), 157, 100
    Hanson (Wart), 165, 1,000
    Mantella (DV), 174, 900
    Youl (NC), 184, 700
    Moore (LX), 197, 200
    Carothers (Heid), 285, 200

  22. 125- Kist (Wart) 500
    133- Kelly (Wart) 600
    141- Valek (Aug) 500
    149- Pule (Luth) 50
    157-Wernimont (Wart) 1000
    165- Burkle (Coe) 600
    174- Carlson (Chi) 200
    184-Youel (NC) 700
    197- Massey (Aug) 800
    HWT- Plattner (LC) 50
    Total= 5000

  23. McInally (RIT) 125, 300
    Winowich (Ith) 133, 100
    Paxos (Ith) 141, 200
    Woszczak (Ith) 149, 400
    Wernimont (Wart) 157, 1000
    Bonitatis (NJ) 165, 400
    Owens (JW) 174, 1000
    Baxter (StJ)184, 300
    Massey (Aug) 197, 800
    Witzel (Aug) 285, 500

  24. 125-kist– 500
    133-bartlett– 500
    141-valek– 500
    149-smith– 500
    157-milks– 500
    165-youel– 500
    174-brown– 500
    285-witzel– 500
    5000 points

  25. 125: Rush (Coe) 900
    133: Nothern (Cornell) 400
    141: Donahue (Cornell) 100
    149: Pyle (Luther) 50
    157: Wernimont (Wartburg) 1000
    165: Youel (NC) 500
    174: Kehrli (Cornell) 600
    184: Barclay (Luther) 50
    197: Bonander (Luther) 1000
    285: Sander (Coe) 400

  26. 125-ecker-400

  27. Sheetz (DV) 125 800
    Lang (Aug) 133 1000
    Valek (Aug) 141 500
    Woszczak (Ith) 149 400
    Wernimont (Wart) 157 1000
    Wozniak (WSP) 165 200
    Heffernan (Wilkes) 174 100
    Baxter (StJ) 184 300
    Wonderlin (Dub) 197 500
    Sutter (Lake) 285 200

    Total: 5000 points

  28. Oster (Elm) 125 1000
    Baatar (StJ) 133 800
    Bautista (WW) 141 1000
    Wernimont (Wart) 157 1000
    Hoover (MBBC) 165 800
    Adams (JC) 184 200
    Moore (LAX) 197 200

    Total: 5000

  29. Ecker (Ithaca) 125, 400
    Northern (Cornell) 133, 400
    Fechko (Heidelberg) 141, 100
    Leblanc (Cortland) 149, 800
    Hanson (Loras) 157, 600
    Renaut (Merchant Marine) 165, 200
    Owens (JWU) 174, 1,000
    Djoumessi (Wartburg) 184, 900
    Wonderlin (Dubuque) 197, 500
    Brown (Springfield) HWT, 100

    Total: 5,000 Points

  30. McInally (RIT) 125, 300
    Northern (Corn) 133, 400
    Valek (AUG) 141, 500
    Branham (NJ) 149, 200
    Hanson (LOR) 157, 600
    Bonitatis (NJ) 165, 400
    Vanderhyde (OLIV) 174, 800
    Lenhardt (JW) 184, 400
    Massey (AUG) 197, 800
    Geesman (MIT) HWT, 600

    Total Points – 5K

  31. 125 – Tyler Erdman (ETown), 600
    133 – Zac Bartlett (Luther), 500
    141 – John Paxos (Ithaca), 200
    149 – Jacob Naig (Wartburg), 900
    157 – Craig Gin (Mesiah), 100
    165 – Mike Morin (So.Maine), 900
    174 – Kyle Vanderhyde (Olivet), 800
    184 –
    197 – Rob Kramer (Coe), 400
    HWT – Glenn Geesman (MIT), 600

    Total = 5 g’s

  32. Ecker,Ithaca,125,400
    Youel,North Central,165,500
    Wilcox,Del Val,184,1000
    Holforty,UW-Eau Claire’s,197,200


  33. 125 Ecker 400
    133 Kelly 600
    141 Martino 50
    149 Twito 300
    157 Wernimont 1000
    165 Bonitatis 400
    174 Molitor 400
    184 Djoumessi 900
    197 Shandri 300
    HWT Geeseman 600

    total – 4950

  34. 125-Sheetz

  35. 125 Ecker Ithaca 400
    133 Cuccinello JW 300
    141 Garber Waynesburg 100
    149 Naig Wartburg 900
    157 Wernimont Wartburg 1000
    165 Bonitatus TCNJ 400
    174 Mantella Del Val 900
    184 Djoumessi Wartburg 900
    197 Scher Hunter 50
    285 Sharp Elizabethtown 50

  36. for my last post
    Kist Wartburg 125
    Cuciniello Johnson and Wales 133
    McKray Wartburg 141
    Naig Wartburg 149
    Wernimont Wartburg 157
    Hanson Wartburg 165
    Grothus Coe 174
    Boltz Wheaton 184
    Moore Lacross-Wisconsin 197
    Plattner Luther 285

    5000 points total

  37. McInally, RIT, 125, 300
    Kelly, Wartburg, 133, 600
    Valek, Ausburg, 141, 500
    Naig, Wartburg, 149, 900
    Quist, Luther, 157, 400
    Dahlheimer, Lycoming, 165, 300
    Carlson, Chicago,174, 200
    Djoumessi, Wartburg, 184, 900
    Shandri, Wartburg, 197, 300
    Geeseman, MIT, 285, 600


  38. Mike McInally, Rochester Institute of Technology, 125 lbs, 300
    Travis Lang, Augsburg College, 133 lbs, 1000
    Kevin Donahue, Cornell College, 141 lbs, 100
    Drew Gardella, Case Western Reserve University, 149 lbs, 100
    Aaron Wernimont, Wartburg College, 157 lbs, 1000
    Justin Bonitatis, College of New Jersey, 165 lbs, 400
    Evan Brown, University of Dubuque, 174 lbs, 500
    Mike Wilcox,
    Deleware Valley College, 184 lbs, 1000
    Corbin Semple, Waynesburg University, 197 lbs, 100
    Andrew Witzel, Augsburg College, 285 lbs, 500

    Total – 5,000 points

  39. 125 Swanson (Luther), 50
    133 Northern (Cornell), 400
    141 Donahue (Cornell), 100
    149 Mulnix (Cornell), 50
    157 Wernimont (Wartburg), 1000
    165 Youel (North Central), 500
    174 Kehrli (Cornell), 600
    184 Djoumessi (Wartburg), 900
    197 Bonander (Luther), 1000
    285 Sander (Coe), 400

    Total 5,000 points

  40. 125—oster (elm)
    133—Lang (Aug)
    141—Valek (Aug)
    149—MASSMAN (ConcW)
    157—Quist (Luth)
    165—Nagel (WW)
    174—Carlson (Chi)
    184—Wilcox (DV)
    197—Moore (LX)
    285—Helgerson (Wart)
    4950 pts

  41. 125- Ecker- 400
    133- Lang- 1000
    141- Smith- 300
    149- Cammissa- 100
    157- Werimont- 1000
    165- Bonitatis- 400
    174- Hurd- 100
    184- Wake- 50
    197- Malo- 600
    285- Bilquist- 1000

  42. 125- Kist (wart)500
    133- Lang (Aug)1000
    141- Loy (Lor)200
    149- Pyle (Luth)50
    157- Wernimont (wart)1000
    165- Youel (NC)500
    174- Kehril (Corn)600
    184- Youel (NC)700
    197- Shandri (Wart)300
    HWT- Kaufman (Lor)100


  43. Flodeen – Aug – 125 – 700
    Kern – UWSP – 133 – 200
    DeCleene – UWSP – 141 – 600
    Mauseth – UWL – 149 – 700
    Milks – UWP – 157 – 500
    Wozniak – UWSP – 165 – 200
    Molitor – Aug – 174 – 400
    Zabel – UWL – 184 – 600
    Wonderlin – Dub – 197 – 500
    Witzel – Aug – 285 – 500

  44. Ecker-Ith-125-400
    Total: 4950

  45. McInally RIT 125 300
    Kern Wisconsin-Stevens Point 133 200
    Garber Waynesburg 141 100
    Branham TCNJ 149 200
    Wernimont Wartburg 157 1000
    Bonatitus TCNJ 165 400
    Mantella Del Val 174 900
    Djoumessi Wartburg 184 900
    Massey Augsburg 197 800
    Carothers Heidelburg 285 200

  46. 125: Sheetz (DVC)800
    133: Nothern (Corn)400
    141: Paxos (Ith) 200
    149: Twito (KP) 300
    157: Goldstein (Getty) 700
    165: Youel (NC) 500
    174: Mantella (DVC)900
    184: Wilcox (DVC) 1000
    197: Pizarro (Wilkes) 100
    285: Kauffman (Lor) 100

  47. 125: Sheetz (Del Val) – 800
    133: Baatar (St. Johns)- 800
    141: Batsukh (St. Johns) – 700
    149: Holst (Augsburg) – 1000
    157: Wernimont (Wartburg) – 1000
    165: Renaut (King’s Point) – 200
    174: Dormann (Steven’s) – 50
    184: Horn (Muhlenberg) – 50
    197: Semple (Waynesburg) – 100
    285: Glotfelty (McDaniel) – 300

  48. 125-Kist (Wart) – 500
    133-Northern (Corn) – 400
    141-Valek (Aug) – 500
    149-Kein (Muhl) – 200
    157-Hanson (Lor) – 600
    165-Youel (NC) – 500
    174-Mantella (DVC) – 900
    184-Djumessi (Wart) – 900
    197-Kramer (Coe) – 400
    285-Sharp (ET) – 50

Comments are closed.