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Fantasy Game Results Post


Update 3/12 – don’t forget to post your results here by Friday night.  I will close down the comments at some arbitrary time on Friday evening, so don’t delay.  I will list the top three scores after they have been verified on Friday, and I will then contact the winner to set up delivery of the prize.

Please post your contest results here. List your team and how many points they each scored. Please make sure you use the same email address and “name” that you used in your original entry. We’ll announce the top three on Friday.


  1. Team New England
    McInally, RIT, 125lbs, 2nd – 900
    Cucciniello, JWU, 133lbs, DNP
    Baum, RIT, 141lbs, 5th – 600
    Cammisa, BSC, 149lbs, DNP
    DiColo, TCNJ, 157lbs, 6th – 500
    Morin, Southern Maine, 165lbs, 4th – 700
    Mantella, Del Val, 174lbs, 2nd – 900
    Lenhardt, JWU, 184lbs, 6th – 500
    Malo, Williams, 197lbs, 2nd – 900
    Geesman, MIT, HWT, DNP
    Total Score = 5,000 points

  2. 125-Kist (Wart) – 3rd – 800
    133-Northern (Corn) – 2nd – 900
    141-Valek (Aug) – DNP – 0
    149-Kein (Muhl) – 8th – 300
    157-Hanson (Lor) – DNP – 0
    165-Youel (NC) – 2nd – 900
    174-Mantella (DVC) – 2nd – 900
    184-Djumessi (Wart) – DNP – 0
    197-Kramer (Coe) – 5th – 600
    285-Sharp (ET) – DNP – 0

  3. 125: McInally – RIT – 2nd = 900
    133: Cucciniello – JW – DNP = 0
    141: Fechko – Heid – DNP = 0
    149: Holst – Aug – 5th = 600
    157: Wernimont – Wart – 1st = 1000
    165: Youel – NC – 2nd = 900
    174: Hurd – Wes – DNP = 0
    184: Youel – NC – 4th = 700
    197: Malo – Williams – 2nd = 900
    HWT: Glotfelty – McD – 8th = 300

    Pts = 5300

  4. CH Bucco’s Picks

    Mike McInally, RIT, 125 lbs, 2nd 900 pts
    Travis Lang, Augsburg, 133 lbs, 5th 600 pts
    Kevin Donahue, Cornell, 141 lbs, 7th 400 pts
    Drew Gardella, Case Western, 149 lbs, 6th 500 pts
    Aaron Wernimont, Wartburg, 157 lbs, 1st 1000 pts
    Justin Bonitatis, TCNJ, 165 lbs, DNP 0 pts
    Evan Brown, Dubuque, 174 lbs, 1st 1000 pts
    Mike Wilcox, DVC, 184 lbs, 1st 1000 pts
    Corbin Semple, Waynesburg, 197 lbs, DNP 0 pts
    Andrew Witzel, Augsburg, 285 lbs, 5th 600 pts

    Total – 6,000 points

  5. 152 Swanson (Luther) 0
    133 Northern (Cornell) 900
    141 Donahue (Cornell) 400
    149 Mulnix (Cornell) 0
    157 Wernimont (Wartburg) 1000
    165 Youel (North Central) 900
    174 Kehrli (Cornell) 600
    184 Djoumessi (Wartburg) 0
    197 Bonaneder (Luther) 0
    285 Sander (Coe) 400

    Total 4200

  6. 125 – Rush (COE) 600pts
    133 – Ball (COE) 700pts
    141 – DeCleene (UWSP) 500pts
    149 – Pyle (Luther) 400pts
    157 – Wernimont (Wartburg) 1000pts
    165 – Burkle (COE) 800pts
    174 – Grothus (COE) 800pts
    184 – Rehn (COE) 0pts
    197 – Kramer (COE) 600pts
    285 – Sander (COE) 400pts

    TOTAL – 5800pts

  7. Ecker Ithaca 125 6th 500
    Kelly Wartburg 133 3rd 800
    McKray Wartburg 141 2nd 900
    Woszczak Ithaca 149 4th 700
    Gin Messiah 157 7th 400
    Dahlheimer Lycoming 165 7th 400
    Molitor Augsburg 174 6th 500
    Moenkedick ConcM 184 2nd 900
    Massey Augsburg 197 1st 1000
    Glotfelty McDaniel 285 8th 300

    Total 6400

  8. Kist 125 800 pts
    Cuciniello 133 0 pts
    McKray 141 900 pts
    Naig 149 800 pts
    Wernimont 157 1000 pts
    Hanson 165 1000 pts
    Grothus 800 pts
    Boltz 300 pts
    Moore 700 pts
    Plattner 0 pts

    6300 pts

  9. 125-Kist (Wart) – 800
    133-Lang (Aug)- 600
    141- Loy (Lor)-0
    149- Pyle (LUT)-400
    157- Wernimont (Wart)-1000
    165- Youel (NC)-900
    174- Kerhli (Corn)-600
    184- Youel (NC)-700
    197- Shandri (NC)-0
    HWT- Kauffman (LOR)-0
    Total: 5000

  10. 125 Flodeen 700
    133 Baatar 0
    141 Batsukh 1000
    149 Pyle 400
    157 Wernimont 1000
    165 Terrel 500
    174 Schmitz 700
    184 Boltz 300
    197 Massey 1000
    Hwt Plattner 0
    total 5600

  11. 125 Mckinney – 0
    133 Kern – 0
    141 Bautista – 800
    149 Mauseth – 1000
    157 Milks – 600
    165 Ferguson – 0
    174 Schmitz – 700
    184 Zabel – 800
    197 Moore – 700
    285 Laurent – 1000

    Total – 5600

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