Home Miscellaneous Fall semester wrestling updates by school

Fall semester wrestling updates by school


Today was a big day for college sports announcements. Here is a list of schools that have canceled or suspended fall semester competition in wrestling. Click the links for details. This post will be updated as new information comes in.

Centennial Conference – competition is suspended in all sports until January 1st. The conference intends to reevaluate the situation by the end of September, leaving hope for some fall and winter sports to happen in 2020. Centennial wrestling teams: Gettysburg, Johns Hopkins, McDaniel, Muhlenberg, Ursinus

Chicago – “will not participate in fall and winter sports competition during the upcoming Autumn Quarter”

Coast Guard – “winter sport contests will not occur during the fall semester”

Southern Maine – “decided to cancel its fall 2020 competition schedule for varsity sports”

Springfield – “there will be no intercollegiate athletics competition for the Fall 2020 semester”

The College of New Jersey – “canceled the Fall 2020 season for high-risk fall sports and for the fall segment of high-risk winter sports”

Washington & Lee – “athletics competition cannot continue until at least January 1, 2021”

Western New England – “decision to suspend all intercollegiate competition for the fall semester”

WPI – “decision to not compete in athletic competitions this fall and through Dec. 31”


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