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Division III Cultural Exchange Blog



d3wrestle.com will be posting bios and updates from the Division III Cultural Exchange trip for 2012. The group departs on May 23rd and returns on June 2nd. Today’s post is an introduction from trip leader Tim Fader of UW-Whitewater.

I am Tim Fader from UW Whitewater and I have been working on re establishing the Division III cultural exchange tours this year and in  future years.  We will be departing New York City on May 23rd and flying to Bucharest Romania.  The tour will start there with an international freestyle senior tournament that we will compete in.  We will travel and train throughout Romania and Bulgaria until returning on June 2nd.  This will be my fourth wrestling trip overseas but first time to Romania.  I love seeing new cultures and the competitiveness and camaraderie that wrestling brings in other parts of the world.  I am proud to be taking a couple of Warhawk wrestlers on this trip as well as some of their new teammates from other parts of the country.  International travel has been such a huge part of my life and experience and I can’t wait to see what this year brings.  I have traveled the George Tours with Georgi Kalchev twice previously and really have faith in the program he will put together.   This is the first year in several that this trip has gone and I hope that in the future there will be 15-20 man teams.  We lost several wrestlers and the coach in the last three weeks and have 7 for 2012.    I really appreciate that Andy Vogel has given us a chance to blog on his website and hope that you do follow these DIII wrestlers on the trip of a lifetime.
Tim Fader


  1. I took this trip years ago with coach Fader and it was a phenomenal experience. If you can I would highly recomend it.

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