Home Miscellaneous International DIII at University Nationals

DIII at University Nationals


There was a solid contingent of current and former DIII wrestlers at the University Nationals this past weekend in Akron, Ohio. DIII placewinners included:

59kg – Mike Fuenffinger, Augsburg – 2nd place
59kg – Nelson Baker, La Crosse – 5th place
59kg – Jared Brickley, Olivet – 6th place
59kg – Devon Jackson, Ozarks – 8th place
71kg – Isaac Dukes, Case – 3rd place
75kg – Alec Donovan, Centenary – 8th place
85kg – Richard Carlson, La Crosse – 2nd place
85kg – Jordan Newman, Whitewater – 4th place
98kg – Dan Olsen, Wheaton, 7th place
130kg – Donny Longendyke, Augsburg – 1st place
130kg – Justin Karkula, Eau Claire – 8th place

70kg – Cole Erickson, Coe – 6th place

Full Results at FloArena


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