Home Miscellaneous International DIII at the US Open

DIII at the US Open


Help out in the comments if I missed anyone. Brackets and videos can be found HERE.

Mike Fuenffinger (Augsburg 2x NCAA Champ) – 1-2 at 57kg FS
Robby Zyko (Norwich University) – 0-2 at 61kg FS
Devin Tortorice (Whitewater) – 1-2 at 65kg FS
Isaac Dukes (CWRU NCAA Champ) – 2-2 at 70kg FS
Elroy Perkin (Whitewater AA, current Eau Claire assistant) – 0-2 at 70KG FS
Nazar Kulchytskyy (Oshkosh 3x NCAA Champ) – 2nd place at 70kg FS

Richard Carlson (La Crosse AA) – 1-2 at 80kg GR
Joe Rau (Elmhurst NCAA Champ, 2016 Olympic Trials Champ) – 2nd place at 85kg GR
Dan Olsen (Wheaton AA) – 0-2 at 85kg GR


  1. Connor Keating (Norwich University) 2nd 76 kg Masters and 1-2 74kg Senior. Robby Zyko (Norwich University) 61kg 0-2

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