1. I saw Romeo glued at nationals last year from 3 mats down. Apparently however, the ref couldn’t see it from 3 inches…Gotta love those mid-west officials!

  2. Just a heads up for your rankings at 197. St. Ours from Plymouth State pinned Pizzaro from Wilkes and decisioned Silverman from MIT. If those two are mentioned, he should be in there somewhere.

  3. romeos lost was a fluke?? He was getting dominated in the first 2 minutes..imagine if it went 7 minutes..Djoumessi is a great wrestler hope to see a rematch in finals!

  4. Testie taster,

    Sorry to inform you but i wasn’t whining about it as many wrestlers “lose to the ref”…Especially at nationals when they are in Iowa! I was out there in 2006 and this kid had all but turned the #1 seed(native) in a bar. He was out to the side with it and the other kid was on his way over…Then the ref calls a stalemate costing him the match…literally one of the worst calls i have ever seen.

  5. blah blah blah,

    No matter where you are or what level you are at you are gonna have bad calls regardless. Quit being discrimmatory towards (natives) Iowa or any other Midwest state for that matter just because they are superior in wrestling.

  6. d3grapplinfan

    gabe youel will never make the finals. he is lazy and can’t handle anything with pressure the sooner people realize this he will go no where. his brother is the kid to be watching. at least he is not backing up the whole match.

  7. flodeen recently lost to a uw whitewater 125 pounder 7-6, the uww wrestlers also beat kist from wartburg. Wheres the love?

  8. Fredrickson of UWW, who I assume you are referring to, has not been the starter, so he will not appear in these rankings. If he takes the starting spot from Oldenburg, he will be considered for a ranking.

  9. Magruder from stevens point is an H.M. while two guys with way more wins than him, and have both beaten him, are now where to be seen? One win vs Mauseth gets him rated? this is all about whats wrong with these ratings!!

  10. Are you really saying that the d3wrestle.com rankings aren’t good because you disagree with one kid in the third tier of one weight class?

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