Home Miscellaneous International Cultural Exchange Blog – May 30

Cultural Exchange Blog – May 30


The past few days we trained at the Romanian junior national training center with the junior team and a few of the senior guys. It was a very fun and interesting experience going through their practices and playing some of their games. We taught them how to play dodgeball which they seemed to love. I got to train with a few older guys, like guys in their 40’s. I also wrestled with the guy who took 2nd at the Romanian senior national tournament. The food there was a lot better than the food we had at Hotel Dracula which we all were excited about. There were a lot of wild dogs running around which was kind of scary at first but a few of the dogs took a liking to us and followed us around. We went to Bulgaria today and we’re staying right on the Black Sea which we all are pumped about. We wrestled at one of the training centers in Varna today and had a pretty fun time and have made plans to wrestle a dual match against their team tomorrow after we see some more of the country. — Chris Schenk

Crossed the border today I didn’t know what to expect but going from Romania to Bulgaria was quite a change, instead of having a hotdog and a piece of cheese for breakfast and chicken for lunch…. And dinner I now can fill my face with great food like shark, rabbit and beef! Also the desserts are amazing, they have ice cream, cake and any thing you want hahah and also it’s right on the beach. It’s a nice change from looking outside at mud trees and stray dogs everywhere. – Daniel Manganaro


  1. Love hearing about your daily experiences. It sounds like you guys are having a great time. Keep on sending the pictures and blogs.

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