Home Miscellaneous International Cultural Exchange Blog – May 22nd

Cultural Exchange Blog – May 22nd


d3wrestle.com will be posting bios and updates from the Division III Cultural Exchange trip for 2012. The group departed on May 23rd and returns on June 2nd. Today’s post is from their last day before departure.

We will all officially meet and take off tomorrow night. I met four of our team in Hoboken, NJ. Tom Trieloff (Stevens Assistant) set us up with a work out at apex in new jersey. Great club run by Dan Matt and Damian Logan–they even got us set up on air mattresses! I was impressed with how many high school kids they had wrestling folkstyle this time of year–packed house. We worked on some situations that we want to cut down scoring–pushouts, defense and mat sense. Ill have a couple guys blog when we get to Bucharest.