Home NCAA Tournament 2016 Picks Game

2016 Picks Game


d3wrestle LogoThe 2016 d3wrestle.com Picks Contest is here. The rules are different this year, so read closely. The prize will be an item from the d3wrestle.com store. Here is a link to the brackets

  1. You are to choose 10 wrestlers, one from each weight class.
  2. You are to choose a maximum of one wrestler for each seed and a minimum of two unseeded wrestlers.
  3. You may replace any seeded wrestler with an unseeded wrestler. e.g., if you want to pick an extra unseeded wrestler instead of the 8th (or other) seed at a weight, that is permissible, as long as you only choose one or zero wrestlers for a seeded spot.
  4. Your score is the combined team points scored by your ten wrestlers. A list of scores will be provided after the tournament.
  5. Post your team as a comment to this post before 11:59pm Eastern on Thursday, March 10th. The format is as follows: Seed, Weight, Name, School. Place each wrestler on a separate line in order of seed. Make sure the email address attached to your post is real so I can contact the winner.
  6. Ties will be broken by whoever has the most champs, then runners-up, and so on.




  1. Seed 1: 125, Malmberg, Messiah
    Seed 2: 149, Mirman, John Carroll
    Seed 3: 174, Schneider, La Crosse
    Seed 4: 197, Arthur, Adrian
    Seed 5: 157, Bova, Wabash
    Seed 6: 133, Israel, Ithaca
    Seed 7: 184, Gockel-Figg, NYU
    Seed 8: HWT, Buss, Millikin
    Unseeded: 165, Hojnacki, Messiah
    Unseeded: 141, Binion, North Central

  2. 125 Andrew Roden | Unseeded
    133 Tyler Keane | Springfield | 5th Seed
    141 Ryan Budzek | The College of New Jersey | 6th Seed
    149 Blake Santi | Elmhurst | 4th Seed
    157 Bobby Dierna | SUNY Cortland | 1st seed
    165 Nick Velez | Ithaca | Unseeded
    174 Lou Puca | SUNY Cortland | 2nd Seed
    184 William Gockel New York University | 7th Seed
    197 Joe Giaramita | SUNY Cortland | 3rd Seed
    HWT Buss | MILK | 8th Seed

  3. #1 125 – Lucas Malmberg, Messiah
    #3 133 – Ryan O’Boyle, McDaniel
    Unseeded 141 – Alvontae Drummond, McDaniel
    #4 149 – Blake Santi, Elmhurst
    Unseeded 157 – Brett Beltz, Thiel
    #2 165 – Nicholas Michael, Wartburg
    #7 174 – Ben Swarr, Messiah
    #6 184 Carlos Toribio, Ithaca
    #5 197 Matt Seabold, Central
    Unseeded 285 Jason Wright, Messiah

  4. #1 – 157, Dierna, Cortland
    #2 – 174, Puca, Cortland
    #3 – 197, Giaramita, Cortland
    #4 – 133, Gunter, Baldwin Wallace
    #5 – 184, Kreiter, Luther
    #6 – 149, Kennedy, Augsburg
    #7 – 285, Herman, Luther
    #8 – 165, Hensel, Augsburg
    Unseeded – 125, Roden, Cortland
    Unseeded – 141, Binion, North Central

  5. 1 Seed: Robert Deirna
    2 Seed: Lou Puca
    3 Seed: Joe Giaramita
    4 Seed: Jesse Gunter
    5 Seed: Justin Kihn
    6 Seed: Chris Toribio
    7 Seed: Dakota Grey
    8 Seed: Pallmeri
    UnSeeded: Andrew Roeden
    UnSeeded: Nick Velaz

  6. 1.Dierna 157
    2. Puca 174
    3. Giaramitia 197
    4. Gunter 133
    5. Velez 165 unseed
    6. Kaishian 125
    7. Gray 149
    8. Buss 285
    9. Seyfried 141 unseed
    10. Conrad 184 unseed

  7. Seed 1: 184, Lefever, Wabash
    Seed 2: 174, Puca, SUNY-Cortland
    Seed 3: 197, Giaramita, SUNY-Cortland
    Seed 4: 133, Gunter, Baldwin Wallace
    Seed 5: 141, Kihn, Hidelberg
    Seed 6: 125, Kaishian, Ithaca
    Seed 7: 149, Gray, Luther
    Seed 8: 285, Buss, Millikin
    Unseeded: 165, Velez, Ithaca
    Unseeded: 157, Tardy, North Central

  8. Seed 1: 184, Lefever, Wabash
    Seed 2: 174, Puca, SUNY-Cortland
    Seed 3: 197, Giaramita, SUNY-Cortland
    Seed 4: 133, Gunter, Baldwin Wallace
    Seed 5: 141, Kihn, Hidelberg
    Seed 6: 125, Kaishian, Ithaca
    Seed 7: 149, Gray, Luther
    Seed 8: 285, Buss, Millikin
    Unseeded: 165, Velez, Ithaca
    Unseeded: 157, Tardy, North Central

  9. #1, 184, Riley Lefever, Wabash
    #2, 149, Dan Mirman, John Carrol
    #3, 125, Ryan Weinmann, Wisconsin-LaCrosse
    #4, 165, Nick Herring, TCNJ
    #5, 157, Nick Bova, Wabash
    #6, 174, Swarr, Messiah
    #7, 197, Michael Swider, Wheaton
    #8, 285, Buss, Millikin
    Unseeded, 133, Devin Broukal, Wabash
    Unseeded, 141, Michael Venezia, Wabash

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