Home Miscellaneous International Division III Cultural Exchange – Spots Available!

Division III Cultural Exchange – Spots Available!


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The DIII Cultural Exchange trip is still open and will remain open for another month. The cost is $2650 but requires an immediate $500 deposit to purchase the ticket. The dates are June 19th flight out of New York City into Sofia, Bulgaria. We will spend the first half of the trip in Sofia and Plovidv Bulgaria. The second half of the trip will be in Istanbul, Turkey. We will train and compete in freestyle club duals in each of the three cities. The return flight is from Istanbul to New York City on June 29th.

We currently have an 18 person team that will be led by Head Coach Bill Racich of Ursinus College. Pat Curry will be the Assistant Coach on the trip and Tom Corey is the athletic trainer and team photographer. If you have questions or interest, please contact Tim Fader: fadert@uww.edu or 262-472-1867

d3wrestle.com will again be carrying blog posts from the team members during their trip abroad. See last year’s posts HERE.