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Fantasy Wrestling Results


In the comments of this post, calculate your score and post in the following format for each of the 10 weights. If you do not follow this format, I will delete your post and disqualify you.

Weight Class: Name, Place, Points

Then put your total at the end.

UPDATE 3/9/08 8:18pm:  Current leader is TRY with 7000 points on the strength of the savvy pick of Kramer at 197 who paid out 700 points while only costing 50.


  1. 125 – Vallejo – DNP – 0
    133 – Morgan – 1st – 1000
    141 – Horwath – DNP – 0
    149 – Spence – 2nd – 900
    157 – Herwig – 3rd – 800
    165 – Bradshaw – 3rd – 800
    174 – Chelf – 1st – 1000
    184 – Quinlan – DNP – 0
    197 – T. Miller – 2nd – 900
    285 – Taylor – DNP – 0

    Total – 5400 pts

  2. 125- Flodeen-1st-1000
    184-Djoumessi – 1st-1000


  3. 125: rush-2nd-900
    133: morgan-1st-1000
    141: beshada- dnp
    149: camissa- dnp
    157: niedrich- dnp
    165: burkle-1st-1000
    174: chelf-1st-1000
    184: coleman-dnp
    197: miller(lyco)-1st-1000
    285: rutledge-8th 300

    Total 5200

  4. 125-Flodeen-1st-1000

  5. 125 Rush 2nd 900
    133 Nothern 6th 500
    141 Mercer 6th 500
    149 Harrington DNP
    157 McCauley 7th 400
    165 Burkle 1st 1000
    174 Jentz 2nd 900
    184 Youel 4th 700
    197 Kramer 4th 700
    285 Rutledge 8th 300
    total 5900

  6. 125 – Music – 0
    133 – Kolinski 4th, 700
    141 – Bautista 7th, 400
    149 – Mauseth 6th, 500
    157 – Milz – 0
    165 – Palmer 5th, 600
    174 – Chelf 1st, 1000
    184 – Zabel 5th, 600
    197 – Bollig 3rd, 800
    285 – Laurent 1st, 1000

    Total – 5600

  7. 125 – Vallejo – DNP
    133 – Johnson – 3rd = 800
    141 – Bonora – 1st = 1000
    149 – Cook – 4th = 700
    157 – Wernimont – 1st = 1000
    165 – Hoover – 2nd = 900
    174 – Moenkedick – DNP
    184 – Djoumessi – 1st = 1000
    197: Crespo – DNP
    285: Williams – DNP
    Total points: 5400

  8. 125 – Rush(Coe)2nd 900
    133 – Hulegaard(BV)8th 300
    141 – Mercer(Coe)6th 500
    149 – Naig(Wart) 1st 1000
    157 – McCauley(Corn) 7th 400
    165 – Burkle(Coe) 1st 1000
    174 – Jentz(Coe) 2nd 900
    184 – Gotreau(Aug)3rd 800
    197 – Kramer(Coe)4th 700
    HWT – Bowers(Heid)6th 500

    7000 points

  9. 125 Struthers 4th 700
    133 Nothern 6th 500
    141 Kelly 5th 600
    149 Holst 3rd 800
    157 McCauley 7th 400
    165 Hanson 7th 400
    174 Kehrli 6th 500
    184 Djoumessi 1st 1000
    197 Matthew Miller 1st 1000
    HWT Rutledge 8th 300
    6200 total points

  10. 125: Miller (Thiel) DNP
    133: Morgan (Kings) 1000
    14l: Kelly (Wart) 500
    149: Cook (BV) 700
    157: Wernimont (Wart) 1000
    165: Youel (NC) 700
    174: Vanderhyde (Olv) 700
    184: Youel (NC) 700
    197: Miller (Lyc) 1000
    HWY: Geesman (MIT) 800

    Total: 6800

  11. 125 flodeen 1st- 1000
    133 morgan 1st- 1000
    141 hult 3rd- 800
    149 spence 2nd- 900
    157 goldstein 8th- 300
    165 bradshaw 3rd- 800
    174 osgoodbye 7th- 400
    184 smith 7th- 400
    197 west DNP
    285 hiffa 4th- 700

    Total: 6300

  12. 125 miller-dnp
    133 northern 3rd-800
    141 adams 2nd- 900
    149 holst 3rd-800
    157 herwig 3rd-800
    165 palmer 5th-600
    174 chelf 1st-1000
    184 dioumessi 1st-1000
    197 west dnp
    285 dnp

    total= 5900

  13. 125 – Sheetz (700) – 500
    133 – Northern (500) – 800
    141 – Hall (900) – DNP
    149 – Holst (700)- 800
    157 – Hashimoto (500) – 600
    165 – Youel (300) – 700
    174 – Moenkedick (200) – DNP
    184 – Coleman (200) – DNP
    197 – Crespo (200) – DNP
    HWT – Borchers (800) – 900

    4300 total

  14. 125-Flodeen, 1st, 1000
    133-Nothern, 6th, 500
    141-Mercer, 6th, 500
    149-Cook, 4th, 700
    157-McCauley, 7th, 400
    165-Hanson, 7th, 400
    174-Chelf, 1st, 1000
    184-Djoumesi, 1st, 1000
    197-Bonander, 5th, 600
    HWT-Rutledge, 8th, 300

    Total- 10 AA’s & 6400 pts.

  15. 125:Heilman (3rd) – 800
    133:Johnson (3rd) – 800
    141:Bautista (7th) – 400
    149:Spence (2nd) – 900
    157:Milz (DNP) – 0
    165:Youel (4th) – 700
    174:Moenkedick (DNP) – 0
    184:Djoumessi (1st) – 1000
    197:Nuemann (8th) – 300
    285:Laurent (1st) – 1000

  16. 125-Flodeen, 1st, 1000
    133-Hulengurd, 8th, 300
    141-Adams, 2nd, 900
    149-Cook, 4th, 700
    157-Wernimont , 1st, 1000
    165-Bradshaw, 3rd , 800
    174-Moenkedick ,dnp, 0
    184-Djoumesi, 1st, 1000
    197-Bonander, 5th, 600
    HWT-Miller, dnp, 0

    Total- 8 AA’s & 6300 pts

  17. 125:Flickenger DNP 0
    133:Morgan 1st 1000
    141:Manoogian 8th 300
    149:Spence 2nd 900
    157:Brew 2nd 900
    165:Zempel DNP 0
    174:Chelf 1st 1000
    184:Quinland DNP 0
    197:M. Miller 1st 1000
    285:Rutledge 8th 300
    Total: 5400

  18. 125- gregory 300
    133- gummerson dnp
    141- bonora- 1000
    149-cammissa dnp
    184- quinlan-dnp
    total- 4900

    would have more if the refs didn’t rob quinlan of his 2 pins against Djoumesi

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