1. Nick Oliveto didn’t make HM?? He pinned Evans 1st period in the Kings tourney?? He has only one loss to the NYU kid.

  2. Stierly will be around when it matters… I distinctly remember he didn’t wrestle early last year and was away from the rankings.

  3. I’m having some trouble following the abbreviations of the teams, i.e. (WW), (Wes) etc. Is there a list somewhere on the website? Thanks

  4. First a positive … Great call on Bewak. He is a Division I wrestler who cares about education and went to one of the best schools in the country at JHU. A four-time AAA state place-winner in Pa. He’ll do huge things in DIII. Now a negative. I love the d3wrestle.com rankings, but I can’t understand all the Thiel love. Brown and Lowry definitely deserve it. I can even see the younger Lowry after upsetting Lance Bryson from WVU, but I just don’t get Roosa (184) and King. Yes… I realize they are just H.M.s, but I guess I am just voicing an opinion. Between that and the NWCA ranking Thiel in their top 30, it’s like we are back about six or seven years ago. Ha. Oh well, long season. Andy, keep up the great work.

  5. i agree with u on all that u said bob & would add to that list of div3 wrestlers that were big div1 prospects but choose education 1st would be the 2 young men at ursinus college chris donaldson & matt harkins i believe r in that same mold of kid that bewak is. cant wait 2 see the bewak vs donaldson match later on this yr. he also is a 4 time state placer as is harkins i believe. 3 very good div1 prospects that choose 2 go div3.good luck 2 all 3 of these young men this season

  6. anytime u get a kid that has surpassed the 150 win mark in there respective h.s. careers,ur getting a very special wrestler.dont know wat bewak had,but i know that harkins & donaldson combined for over 300 wins betwwen the 2.i believe harkins had 156 & donaldson had 152.

  7. Just want to point out that Pruett and Wunnicke are both listed as contenders and while these are loosely ordered, they are not to be read as #11-18…they are all contenders and one should not be surprised to see someone jump from anywhere on the contender list to the top 10 with the right wins.

    Secondly Thiel has basically two guys ranked as HM that you do not agree with. Roosa is in a bit of thin weight and finished 3rd at Ithaca beating decent wrestlers in Camera (Springfield) and Dickey (Ithaca)
    King pinned his teammate Bynham who had placed 2nd at Ithaca.

    Not that those results will keep their names in print as more matchups take place. Thanks for the feedback either way; it’s what makes ranking fun and it does help us take a better look at some results we may have overlooked.

  8. I find it interesting that Johnson (Elmhurst) is ranked as a contender after just 1 win this season, yet his teammate, Vargas, who took 5th at the tough Great Lakes Regional and also has 1 win, is not even listed as HM.

  9. Great posts and I can appreciate your concern Bob. I will say that Thiel does belong in the top 30 rankings. They just tied Mount 15-15 and lost on criteria 3 so obviously they are a very solid team that should deserve some respect.

  10. P.S. Bob, just to set the record straight, Bewak placed three times in PA states. 2nd soph. 103, 6th junior 112, 8th senior 112. That is still great !

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