Home Teams Arcadia Arcadia to add men’s and women’s wrestling

Arcadia to add men’s and women’s wrestling


Arcadia University in Glenside, Pennsylvania, is set to add men’s and women’s wrestling for the 2025-2026 season. The school of approximately 1,600 is the second MAC school after Misericordia to announce new wrestling teams in the last month. In addition to plans to hire a head coach for each team, the school is set to renovate a gymnasium at the site of the former Bishop McDevitt High School into a wrestling practice facility with 5,000 square feet of wrestling space. Bishop McDevitt closed in 2020, and Arcadia acquired the building in early 2022.

“Arcadia has demonstrated a great commitment to expanding our sport offerings over the last decade. The university is committed to providing a wide range of sport offerings to meet the needs of current and prospective student-athletes. We are located in an area that is ripe with wrestling talent and look forward to building a competitive program.” – Executive Director of Athletics and Recreation Brian Granata

The other MAC schools with (or starting) men’s wrestling are Alvernia, Delaware Valley, King’s, Messiah, Misericordia, Stevens, and York. Alvernia, Delaware Valley, Misericordia, and York also sponsor or will sponsor women’s wrestling.

Arcadia to Add Men’s and Women’s Wrestling