Home Miscellaneous Luther assistant Billy Huebner’s COVID fight

Luther assistant Billy Huebner’s COVID fight


Billy Huebner

GoFundMe for Coach Huebner

Luther College assistant Coach Billy Huebner has been in the hospital fighting COVID-19 since May 9th and recently was moved out of the ICU. Click the link above to learn more about his situation and how to contribute to his medical expenses.

Update from May 18th:
Good News! I spoke with Billy last night, he is in good spirits & he is able to talk a bit more but does get winded. He is weak right now but continues to get stronger each day. He still cannot have visitors but is appreciative of the positive texts/ prayers/ well wishes that he has received.

We will get an update today from his doctors, we are hoping for more positive reports, & maybe an update on a possible discharge date.

I did tell Coach Billy about the GoFundMe page last night, he was so very grateful to all his friends and family that have been there for him in so many ways during this trying time.

Thank you, Thank you all!
We will keep adding updates as we learn more.
Let’s stay fired up for Coach Billy!

Huebner has been on staff at Luther for 12 seasons with Head Coach Dave Mitchell.