Home Miscellaneous International Living the Dream Telethon to air tomorrow

Living the Dream Telethon to air tomorrow


The Living the Dream Medal Fund is raising money to provide cash incentives to wrestlers who win medals at the 2012 Summer Olympics in London as well as lesser amounts for medal winners at the 2010 and 2011 World Championships.  2009 medalists Jake Herbert, Dremiel Byers, and Tervel Dlagnev have already won awards through Living the Dream.  Please see the article here as well as the information below from USA Wrestling.

USA Wrestling and the Living The Dream Medal Fund are pleased to announce the inaugural Living The Dream Telethon on Friday, August 20 at 9 p.m. Eastern. Featured on the webcast will be all 21 U.S. World Team Members and stand-up comic and past NCAA All-American from Missouri, Greg Warren.Greg has been on the stand-up circuit for several years and has been a sensation on Flowrestling with the character Wesley “Wes” Wesley. Donations will be able to be made online and via call-in, where World Team members and coaches will be fielding your calls. ALL proceeds go directly to the LivingThe Dream Medal Fund. USA Wrestling will provide the webcast free on its Ustream channel here and on the front page of TheMat.com
For More Information on the Telethon, Click Here.
Greg Warren Web Site: www.gregwarrencomedy.com
Wesley “Wes” Wesley on Flowrestling: Click Here.
Donate: www.livingthedreammedalfund.com
CALL IN NUMBER: (1-800-999-8531)