Home NCAA Tournament Qualifier Facts & Figures

Qualifier Facts & Figures

  1. 63 of 108 teams qualified at least one wrestler.
  2. 24 different home states are represented: NJ 26, PA 24, OH 21, MN/NY 15, IL 14, IA 13, WI 9, CT/MI 7, CA 5, IN 4, MA/VA 3, FL/MD/ME/NC 2, GA/LA/NH/RI/TX/WA 1
  3. Link to map of qualifier hometowns | List of hometowns
  4. 18 wrestlers in the last Intermat rankings did not qualify.
  5. Six returning 2019 All-Americans (who entered the regional) did not qualify.
  6. Two wrestlers qualified after being unseeded in their regions: Vega, Stevens, 125 & Beaulieu, Southern Maine, 133