Home Rankings d3wrestle.com Rankings #2

d3wrestle.com Rankings #2


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Here is the second set of rankings for the 2017-2018 season. Freshmen and transfers were eligible to appear, and these rankings include results up through the weekend. There are a couple of points to consider with these. This is the last ranking that a wrestler can appear in without having competed. Next time, anyone who has not yet wrestled will be out. Also, this ranking gave some credit to last year’s results. In a few cases, a wrestler with NCAA experience stayed higher than might be expected given a loss or two. If their opponents continue to prove it, they will have the chance to rise. Finally, wrestlers are ranked at the weights at which they have actually competed. If a wrestler goes down or up, that will be reflected in future rankings.

d3wrestle.com Rankings #2 – November 15, 2017


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